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Skripsi_Muchammad Khilmi Fuadi_11420020 - Muchammad khilmi Fuadi-1.pdf - Published Version
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengukuran kinerja menggunakan Balanced Scorecard dan AHP (Analytical Heirachy Process) di PT. Group Cemerlang Plastindo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kuantitatif. Data diperoleh meneliti dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner pada satu orang responden yaitu Plan Manager PT. Group Cemerlang
Plastindo dengan minimal pendidikan S1. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah menggunakan metode Balance Scorecad dan metode AHP (Analytical Heirachy Process) untuk kemudian
analisis dihitung dengan menggunakan software expert choice. Pengolahan data meliputi 1) Menentukan visi, misi dan sasaran strategis, 2) Menentukan Key Performace Indicator (KPI), 3) Pembobotan Key Performace Indicator (KPI), 4) Pengkuran kinerja dengan menggunakan Scoring System dengan perhitungan Trafic Light System. Setelah dilakukan pengolahan data tahapan selanjutnya yakni analisa dan menghasilkan sebuah kesimpulan bahwa 1) Penyusunan sistem pengukuran kinerja pada PT. Group Cemerlang Plastindo ini dengan menggunakan 4 perspektif BSC yang menghasilkan 13 sasaran strategis dan 21 indikator pengukuran kinerja (KPI), 2) Pembobotan pada perspektif dari urutan tertinggi hingga terendah, urutan pertama ditempati oleh perspektif keuangan dengan bobot 0,433, urutan kedua perspektif pelanggan dengan bobot 0,308, urutan ketiga perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan dengan bobot 0,165 dan urutan keempat perspektif proses bisnis 0,094, 3) Skor kinerja PT. Group Cemerlang
Plastindo sebesar 60,29 berada pada indikator kuning, yang berarti memerlukan kewaspadaan karena masih belum memenuhi target yang diharapkan perusahaan. Adapun beberapa perspektif berdasarkan katagori warna dalam hal ini sebagai berikut: Warna hijau 24 KPI (level 80-100), berupa (Pendapatan, Profit margin, Pemanfaatan sumber daya, Rasio perputaran piutang, Rasio biaya operasional, Rasio biaya tenaga karyawan tetap, Rasio biaya tenaga kerja kontrak, Rasio biaya overhead, Meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan, Persentase pelanggan baru, Meningkatkan efektivitas karyawan, Persentase target kerja karyawan tetap, Peningkatan kapasitas produksi, Persentase jumlah produksi, Meningkatkan kompetensi karyawan, Persentase karyawan ikut
pelatihan, Persentase anggaran pelatihan, Meningkatkan koordinasi kerja, Persentase pelaksanaan rapat, Menurunkan keluhan karyawan, Persentase keluhan karyawan, Meningkatkan kedisiplinan karyawan, Menurunkan ketidakdisiplinan karyawan, Persentase absensi karyawan), Warna kuning 8 KPI (level 40-70), berupa (Rasio perputaran aktiva total,
Persentase keluhan pelanggan, Meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan, Persentase kepuasan pelanggan, Persentase target kerja karyawan kontrak, Persentase waktu pelatihan, Persentase penggunaan komputer), dan Warna merah 2 KPI (level 0-30), berupa (Pemenuhan kewajiban jangka pendek, Current rasio).
This research aims to determine performance measurement using the Balanced Scorecard and AHP (Analytical Heirachy Process) at PT. Cemerlang Plastindo Group. The method used
in this research is quantitative. The data was obtained by research by distributing questionnaires to one respondent, namely the Plan Manager of PT. Cemerlang Plastindo Group
with a minimum of S1 education. The data obtained was then processed using the Balance Scorecad method and the AHP (Analytical Heirachy Process) method and then the analysis was calculated using expert choice software. Data processing includes 1) Determining the vision, mission and strategic targets, 2) Determining Key Performance Indicators (KPI), 3) Weighting Key Performance Indicators (KPI), 4) Measuring performance using a Scoring System with Traffic Light System calculations. After processing the data, the next stage is analysis and produces a conclusion that 1) Preparation of a performance measurement system at PT. The Cemerlang Plastindo Group uses 4 BSC perspectives which produce 13 strategic targets and 21 performance measurement indicators (KPI), 2) Weighting the perspectives from highest to lowest, first place is occupied by the financial perspective with a weight of 0.433, second place is the customer perspective with a weight 0.308, third place learning and growth perspective with a weight of 0.165 and fourth place business process perspective 0.094, 3) PT performance score. The Cemerlang Plastindo Group of 60.29 is in the yellow indicator, which means it requires vigilance because it still has not met the company's expected targets. There are several perspectives based on color categories in this case as follows: Green 24 KPIs (level 80-100), in the form of (Revenue, Profit margin, Resource utilization, Receivables turnover ratio, Operational cost ratio, Permanent employee cost ratio, Cost ratio contract labor, Overhead cost ratio, Increase number of customers, Percentage of new customers, Increase employee effectiveness, Percentage of permanent employee work targets, Increase production capacity, Percentage of production quantity, Increase employee competency, Percentage of employeesparticipating in training, Percentage of training budget, Increase work coordination , Percentage of meeting implementation, Reducing employee complaints, Percentage of employee complaints, Increasing employee discipline, Reducing employee indiscipline, Percentage of employee absenteeism), Color yellow 8 KPIs (level 40-70), in the form of (Total
asset turnover ratio, Percentage of customer complaints, Increasing satisfaction customers, Percentage of customer satisfaction, Percentage of contract employee work targets, Percentage of training time, Percentage of computer use), and Red 2 KPIs (level 0-30), in the form of (Fulfillment of short-term obligations, Current ratio).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, AHP (Analytical Heirachy Process) , KPI Balanced Scorecard, AHP (Analytical Heirachy Process) , KPI
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Perpustakaan UNUSIDA
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2024 04:08
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2024 04:08

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