Pratikno, Hamdan Sugar (2024) PERANCANGAN VIDEO PROFIL PONDOK PESANTREN Q-AGENG SEBAGAI MEDIA PROMOSI. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo.

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Pondok Pesantren Q-Ageng adalah sebuah lembaga yang mendalami tentang ilmu agama Islam dengan konsep Madrasah Diniyah sebagai pendidikan khas Pesantren. Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu mempromosikan Pondok Pesantren Q Ageng dikarenakan kurangnya media promosi yang hanya mengandalkan mulut ke mulut. Penelitian ini berfokus pada media promosi berupa video profil yang informatif dan menarik tentang Pondok Pesantren Q-Ageng. Metode yang digunakan yaitu perancangan Desain Komunikasi Visual Umum 2 (Safanayong,
2006). Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Media utama berupa video profil merupakan hasil penelitian yang bersifat informatif, menarik, dan menggugah emosi, dengan teknik multimedia yang tepat untuk menonjolkan
nilai-nilai, visi misi Pesantren, serta aktivitas dan keunggulan Pondok Pesantren Q Ageng. Adapun media pendukung berupa feed instagram, poster, brosur, map pendaftaran, x-banner, stiker, kaos, tote bag, gantungan kunci dan id card. Hasil video profil ditampilkan pada Youtube dan media pendukung akan di upload di instagram dan ada yang berupa media cetak, yang nantinya digunakan sebagai media promosi dan informasi Pondok Pesantren Q-Ageng untuk memperkenalkan
lebih luas lagi terhadap masyarakat.
The Q-Ageng Islamic Boarding School is an institution that studies Islamic religious knowledge with the concept of Madrasah Diniyah as a typical Islamic boarding school education. The aim of the research is to promote the Q-Ageng
Islamic boarding school due to the lack of promotional media which only relies on word of mouth. This research focuses on promotional media in the form of informative and interesting profile videos about the Q-Ageng Islamic boarding school. The method used is direct General Visual Communication Design 2 (Safanayong, 2006). Data collection through interviews and documentation studies. The main media in the form of a profile video is the result of research that is
informative, interesting and emotionally arousing, with appropriate multimedia techniques to highlight the values, vision and mission of the Islamic boarding school, as well as the activities and advantages of the Q-Ageng Islamic boarding school. The supporting media is in the form of Instagram feeds, posters, brochures, registration folders, x banners, stickers, t shirts, tote bags, key chains and id cards. The results of the profile video are displayed on Youtube and supporting media will be uploaded to Instagram and some will be in the form of print media, which will
later be used as promotional and information media for the Q-Ageng Islamic boarding school to introduce it more widely to the public.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Video profil, pondok Pesantren, Media promosi Profile video, Islamic boarding school, promotional media
Subjects: N Fine Arts > N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Desain Komunikasi Visual
Depositing User: Perpustakaan UNUSIDA
Date Deposited: 01 Oct 2024 05:21
Last Modified: 01 Oct 2024 05:21

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